Our Crazy Class!

Our Crazy Class!
I love my job and getting to spend each day with this kiddos!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013


I hope everyone is staying warm in this cold weather! 

I apologize that it has been so long since I posted in here! I have been taking lots of pictures and will make sure I get all the new ones on here for everyone to look at!

Just some reminders:

Everyone needs to be bringing a coat with them to school each day. They will not be allowed outside for recess without a winter coat on. Also, if you are bringing in snow suits/clothing to wear outside please make sure it comes in a bag that can be hung up on the hook under the cubbies. We have limited space and need to make sure we can stay organized. 

Winter break starts next Saturday! We have 6 more days to work hard until we are off for 12. 


In reading we are going to be finishing up Because of Winn-Dixie right before break, and then we will watch the movie to compare the book to it! The kids are loving this book and they are really into it! This is one of my favorite books to read all year. It teaches so many themes within the book and teaches the kids great lessons!

In writing we finished up our last set of narratives and we are working on some odds and ends up until break. When we get back from break we will be starting a new unit on opinion and essay writing. This will be a great preparation for the kiddos to get some background knowledge on this type of writing before we write out country reports in February! 

In math we will be finishing up with factors and multiples this week! We will be reviewing the chapter Monday and then testing on Tuesday. We will also be taking a unit 4 common assessment in math as well, which is based on the past 3 concepts we have studied. We will have a review day for this next week before we test.

In social studies we are finishing up on Native American chapter and will be testing next week. The students got a chance to learn about legends, and even got to write their own. We will be playing a review game for the test and then doing some Native American handwriting before the test next week! They kids are excited about this! 

Check out some of our recent pictures below!

We are learning about story elements in reading and in these pictures the students are working in groups to pick out all the story elements!

Our class and Ms. Johnson's class did an awesome job working on the coin drive information! Check out some of the pictures below of the students working together!

 Here the students are working in different groups on finding story elements again with different pictures books!

Ok so I guess I need to start taking picture in more than just reading class! Here the students are doing an online STORY ELEMENTS activity! :)

 Ok here is some math! The students are working together in the team huddle part of our math lesson! This is the part when the students have to work one problem at a time and make sure their team is understanding each problem. The students do a great job teaching one another if they are having trouble understanding something!

 AND, back to some final story elements! The students are working on creating a story mountain in a small group!


These girls got some great new sweaters today! Someone made these sweaters for students at Linntown and these were the three girls that were able to fit into them! Good thing they are little!