Our Crazy Class!

Our Crazy Class!
I love my job and getting to spend each day with this kiddos!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Good Afternoon!

Hello! I hope everyone enjoyed their three day weekend with the kiddos! We are back at it here at Linntown in room C35!!

In Reading today, we started talking a little bit more about writing a summary! After reading the chapter in "Cricket", students made a summary film strip to tell me about the chapter.

In English today the students got "The Noun Song" stuck in their head! We learned all about nouns and proper nouns today! We played "The Noun Game" at the end of class and eliminated all but Kassie! Way to go!

During Math today we started chapter 5.....ALGEBRA! We learned the order of operations today! The students have homework on this tonight, but at the top of the worksheet is the order of operations for them, incase they forget! They did very well with this!

In Social Studies we are going to start talking all about our BEAUTIFUL state! We read the book "K is for Keystone" today and talked about some of the major cities! Quiz them on a few!

Here are some pictures from the last week or so that I have not posted! Enjoy your evening!