Our Crazy Class!

Our Crazy Class!
I love my job and getting to spend each day with this kiddos!

Monday, November 25, 2013

December Book Report

I wanted to post some pictures to show examples of the December book report. Students were given the information for this report today and we also went to the library to pick out books. If the student did not get a book today, they must at least have the book to me and approved by tomorrow.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Fabulous Friday!

Good Afternoon!

I wanted to let everyone know that I am not going to be sending home a newsletter this week due to the fact that we are only in school for two days next week.

A few reminders:

We do not have school Wednesday, November 27 - Monday, December 2!

Please bring in a 15 oz. can for our craft we will be doing on Monday!

Insight into next week!

We will be taking an online CDT field test in class on reading. This is just a test that helps the state get data and information from online testing. This is not something that we will be getting the results back for. 

We will be working more on division in math and story elements in reading!

We started a new chapter in math today! The students got to change groups and change their names for their groups! Let me introduce you to the new groups!

The Multiplication Monkeys!

The Division Nightmare!

The Pulverizing Products!

The Flying Fractions! - Missing Catie and Gabe!

The Amazing Addition!

Math Attack! - Missing Ethan

Here the students are working on drawing the setting of our story! I read them a picture book but did not show them the pictures when I was reading it. They had to use the details in the book to picture the setting in their head and then draw it with their group! They did a wonderful job picturing the setting!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Excited for another great week!

Hello! I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! The weather on Saturday was amazing! I unfortunately was inside ALL day long in a class, but I learned some great new things to do with the class on the iPad! Very excited to use what I learned throughout this week!
 I hope everyone got a chance to go outside and enjoy the weather before this rain came!! 

Looking ahead at this week!

Mahkenna is our STAR student this week! She will get to sit in the pink chair whenever she wants, use the special desk, and fill out the poster! :)

I submitted a book order tonight, so if you ordered, look for it on Thursday or Friday this week to come home with the students.

In reading this week we will be looking at a few different things. We are beginning to look at story elements and what makes up a story. I will be using different picture books this week to guide most of the lessons. After Thanksgiving break, we will be moving into another novel! The one we are moving into is one of my favorites and I am so excited for the students to read it! I am keeping it a secret until we get closer to the time of the book!

In writing this week, we will be working toward finishing our independent narrative project that the students have been working on. They will not be typing this one, they will be working on writing their neatest for the final draft. I am also going to start practicing cursive writing this week and giving the students practice in this area because I think it is important that they know how to use cursive.

In math this week we will be finishing up one of our division chapters. I put in the newsletter that the test will be on Wednesday, I believe the test is going to be on Thursday now. I am working with students doing different things and working in small groups to make sure everyone understands how to do long division. So it will most likely be pushed back to Thursday. I will also be posting screen cast videos for the kids to go back and watch on Edmodo if they are struggling with division. Later this week we will be starting the next chapter in division, working with larger numbers.

In social studies this week, we will be talking about primary and secondary sources and building some background knowledge on our upcoming history chapters! I was so proud of the students on their chapter 2 tests! Their grades showed me that they took the time to study and were serious about it!

Here are some pictures to recap last week! Enjoy!

Oh yea....can you find the picture that doesn't belong? I had to throw it in there because they are just so cute!! :)

I HAVE WHO HAS? A game the students played in teams to review the non-fiction text features!

We love some delicious birthday treats! Even if they turn our mouths funny colors! Thanks Joey!

C33 playing the chapter 2 review game! They loved this game!

We finished Ramona book clubs this week and the students created their own book jacket for the book they read! They turned out great! The students are very creative!

 Our STAR student working on his book jacket!