Our Crazy Class!

Our Crazy Class!
I love my job and getting to spend each day with this kiddos!

Monday, September 30, 2013

Good Afternoon!!

I hope everyone had a great weekend! I cannot believe September is over!

I sent home the newsletter today because I forgot to print it on Friday! OOPS!

Book Fair is tomorrow, out class will be going at 11:30.

Leaf Projects are also due tomorrow!

Open House is this Thursday from 6:30 - 7:30! I look forward to seeing everyone this week!

Check out some pictures from last week and today that I snapped of the kiddos!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Fantastic Friday!

What awesome weather we are having today!!! We finished up early this morning and had the chance to get an extra 3 minutes of recess!

We had a great week here at Linntown!

This week in reading we began "The Cricket in Times Square."

In Math we began chapter 3 on adding and subtracting large numbers and estimating!

In Writing we are still working on narratives! The kids are so creative and I cannot wait to show you their writing during open house!

In Social Studies, we starting working on landforms and creating a presentation for landforms! The kids are excited to use PowerPoint and iMovie to create their projects!

Don't forget to check the students Friday folders for a picture day reminder and our class newsletter!

Here are some pictures of the students from today!

These two students are a couple of the students who have made their AR goal! All the leaves on tree represent all the AR tests the students have taken on the books they have read! Their goal is 70 by the end of the marking period! I believe they will blow their goal out of the water!

Here is a student working on her narrative!

Another student working on her narrative!

Here are partners who switched their narratives and are helping one another make their ending to their story better!

These three students are taking in some silent reading time together! Making themselves comfortable on the carpet!

This is our STAR student Katelyn! She really enjoyed her pink chair for the week!!!!

 Students hard at work coming up with ideas for their narrative!!!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Tests sent home today!

I told the students that I would type in the blog to explain the tests the students got back today. The unit 1 test as well as the Context Clues test the students took are not weighted like a full test. They are only weighted .75 of a grade rather than 1.

This was something that the students could not understand but as parents I knew you would. Some of the kiddos were very upset with their grades and I told them that the unit test is an overview of what they remember and it was a test that was set up differently that any that they have seen so far. The first of these are always the lowest of the unit tests because the students are not used to the set up of the test and are flustered when trying to recall information from previous tests.

Students were upset about scores and I was trying to reassure them that they will not affect their grades as much as they think they will.

If anyone has any questions please email me at dincher_a@lasd.us

Monday, September 9, 2013

Ok I will figure this out one of these times! UGH! Darn Videos!!! I am also trying to email some parents who requested the email and they are not going through. I will keep trying!

Here are a few of the videos I was able to upload! 

Friday, September 6, 2013

I see that the videos did not work. Feel free to email me and I can send them to you if your child presented today. dincher_a@lasd.us

Fabulous Friday in C35!!!!

I have not been very good at posting in the blog the last couple days/week! I apologize! Check out some of our pictures here today! The students love to work on the iPads! 

I sent a newsletter home in all Friday folders, make sure you check it out to find out what is going on in the classroom!

Next week, we will actually get to have a normal 5 day week where all of our routines will not be interrupted! 

This week in math we took a test and all students brought it home to be signed! I am so happy with the test scores and the students were proud of their work! We will be having another test this Friday on Chapter 2 (comparing numbers and working with money)

In Reading this week we read some of Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing, and next week we will be finishing the book and getting ready to move on to the next book! I am so excited to reveal to the students the next book we are doing! It is one of my favorites!

This is our first STAR student of the year! RYAN!

 These boys loved working in partners and on the ipad! When they finished their study they were allowed to get on Google Earth to find their ocean or continent and see what its features were!

This was our STAR student this week! Elena! 

Check out the videos below of the students presenting their continent and ocean study! If you are unable to see the video I will be more than happy to email them! Just let me know! I know how excited the students were for parents to see them! ;)

I hope everyone has a wonderful and safe weekend! I am very excited to celebrate my grandmothers 90th birthday this weekend and get engagement pictures done with my Fiance! Should be a great weekend! 

Don't forget, check out the newsletter and if you haven't signed up to receive the classroom text messages, please do so! :)