Our Crazy Class!

Our Crazy Class!
I love my job and getting to spend each day with this kiddos!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Fantastic Friday!

What awesome weather we are having today!!! We finished up early this morning and had the chance to get an extra 3 minutes of recess!

We had a great week here at Linntown!

This week in reading we began "The Cricket in Times Square."

In Math we began chapter 3 on adding and subtracting large numbers and estimating!

In Writing we are still working on narratives! The kids are so creative and I cannot wait to show you their writing during open house!

In Social Studies, we starting working on landforms and creating a presentation for landforms! The kids are excited to use PowerPoint and iMovie to create their projects!

Don't forget to check the students Friday folders for a picture day reminder and our class newsletter!

Here are some pictures of the students from today!

These two students are a couple of the students who have made their AR goal! All the leaves on tree represent all the AR tests the students have taken on the books they have read! Their goal is 70 by the end of the marking period! I believe they will blow their goal out of the water!

Here is a student working on her narrative!

Another student working on her narrative!

Here are partners who switched their narratives and are helping one another make their ending to their story better!

These three students are taking in some silent reading time together! Making themselves comfortable on the carpet!

This is our STAR student Katelyn! She really enjoyed her pink chair for the week!!!!

 Students hard at work coming up with ideas for their narrative!!!

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